Feels like:
Dewpoint: °F
Today's High:
Yesterday's High:
Month's High: on
Year's High: on
Today's Low:
Yesterday's Low:
Month's Low: on
Year's Low: on
This Day in History
Record High*
87 °F in
Record Low *
28 °F in
1948 & 1965
Avg. High: 70 °F
Avg. Low: 49 °F
* Records from Phoenix NOAA
Script by the beteljuice
watts / m2
Bearing: ° -
High gust last 15 minutes - mph
High gust today - mph
High - in Hg at
Low - in Hg at
Sunrise - Sunset -
of daylight
Moon phase -
% of moon illuminated
New moon -
Full moon -
Rain total last 24 hrs. - "
Yesterday - "
This month - "
This year - "
Last Rain -
Daily - " Monthly - "
Yearly - "
Cloud base - '
Today's High:
Yesterday's High:
Month's High: on
Year's High: on
Today's Low:
Yesterday's Low:
Month's Low: on
Year's Low: on
Moon phase -
% of moon illuminated
Next new moon -
Next full moon -
Total last 24 hrs. - "
Yesterday - "
Last Rain -
Daily - "
Monthly - "
Yearly - "